Wednesday, September 24, 2008


In all that's fair, beauteous and sublime,
A race to withstand the tests of time,
With youthful visage hearts implore,
A graceful presence that shook the world's core

With a heart full of yearning and awe,
My hands shook with such intensity,
Soul smitten and wanting, as such i saw,
Those raven tresses, those eyes of ebony

A vision i had of beauteous Oriana,
as often i dreamt of thee,
Thy moonlight dance among wild gardenias,
Starlight shines thy spirit free

Her sweet smile, her delicate visage,
Have etched forever in my mind's image,
Her soft spoken words, her warm embrace,
To be parted from this dream, i cannot face

How my heart could have fallen so far?
Tis' a question i know not the answer to,
A man of men, conquered by dreams,
A fever of love none could undo

How i yearn for perfect Oriana,
The lady of dreams, The queen of hearts,
So close to me, but yet so far,
Thy love is not for me

Dawn had come and mist abate,
To draw cold steel and meet my fate,
To say farewell to comrades and lives,
and rush to glory with bloody knives,

But forget i did not, of my sweet Oriana,
Of the gentleness and love shown by thee,
Thy banner has reached the pinnacle of my heart,
Glad now i lived to see such beauty

Oriana! Lovely Oriana!
Thou honored me with such grace!
To see you this life, if not the next,
an angel among mortals, on earth's face..

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fasting Blues

Another Day..another fasting day, and another day spent to the accomplishment of the next.

Another hour..waiting for the clock to pass the threshold of buka puasa time, and another hour before the day itself is done.

That's me and my brain, just feeling the strain of routine. Apparently puasa's slowed down attitude towards working life is never really a welcome affair. I constantly find myself working tediously to pass the time, only to find mere minutes have passed between point A and point B. Could it be that i unwittingly work faster during puasa? or is it the bizarre order of my brain that fidgets and squeams its way towards reminding me to look at the watch most of the time?

Nevertheless it's a responsibility i take seriously. Like what i told my close friend before, 'obligations are obligations, i guess..' In a way i'm kinda proud of taking the whole experience in stride. It's only 30 days in a whole year that i ever get to do this anyway. Besides, if no one's going to remind you of the suffering the rest of the world is going through, god might as well give the reminder to you himself.

Well.. enough of my food depraved ranting.. i heartily wish happy buka puasa to all those muslim readers out there that might have found this blog by accident or otherwise. Hang in there..just a few minutes more.. cheers all!