well, I'm here again.. probably thought another blog *preferably by my own writing* wouldn't really hurt.. anyway, here i am, still basically in the same muck as in my previous predicament..it's been a long road indeed for me to even be here, a year later, back to where i started. Although some people still believed in the idiom of 'home is where the heart is', i suppose it's true.. i do love home, but sometimes i prefer to stay outside, where the world is, even when the world sometimes is an unforgiving place to be.
I just had a long talk with my friends, and i realised now, as i had realised all those years before, the things that makes the world stage play on, the individual actors in life that makes the otherwise dull world into a life of vivid color and imagination, is always tinted with emotion and events full of drama.. love, zest for life, betrayal, and hope. That long talk, as well as my visits to the land of memories constantly reminded me of how much of me had changed over the years, and how much of me actually stayed the same. I know i had been very much a fool in my younger years, turning my own life upside down for things that today i considered trivial, for idealistic changes i know i could not wrought upon the world. I was always crazy enough to try then.. but i know it was my old self that virtually brought down my own world upon my head at one time, much to my own discomfort and dismay. Heh.. i supose life teaches new lessons each time you venture somewhere, and i suppose hard lessons are their fare.. I can't really claim myself as a changed man.. i know enough of myself to see that i am still an ass to myself and others sometimes, but at least i know that my old mistakes, my pride and my foolhardiness must not be repeated again, fo the sake of myself as well as others.. i hope.. :-/
But i guess now times have changed.. friends have changed, responsibilities and attentions go elsewhere. Sometimes i can't help but think of simpler times, when dreaming of a life isn't so criminal, and friends and relationships were less complex than it is now.. I dunno.. i just hope at my rate at least something can be salvaged from my life.. the old and the new.. it'd probably look freakish, in the look like a cross between a fridge and a waffle iron, but i think i can make something out of it.. i think.. Probably isn't used to the term ' growing up' fully yet.. who knows? maybe i'll get there soon.. :P

To lyn.. well, i understand ur redicament.. aside from the stuff i already told you, you won't have to worry then.. :D
To the rest of the readers out there.. stay classy, stay lively..!
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