Welcome to the first post in my spick and span new blog.. I suppose i might have to introduce myself.. for the uninitiated ( i mean those who don't know me already) My name is Mohd. Faisal Jaffar.. Yes, i'm a muslim, and no, i'm not a terrorist.. I hail from bright, sunny Malaysia, and where am i do you ask? i essentially live anywhere my life choices, and life opportunities take me.. :) Essentially, that's what i am.. Fate walker..
Well, onward to the cooler stuff.. just recently i've landed myself in a quite a sticky situation.. Just one of those days where you'd probably ask where your life is actually heading.. For once i feel it does have a direction.. Although you're somewhat back to square one, with no job, no money and the whole enchilada when you've spent your life out of a job for too long.. But as they say i guess.. at least you have your health.. hmm...a devoted girlfriend maybe, and probably an army of friends you can fall back on when things get a bit blue.. well.. maybe not the last part, but i guess you'll get the drift.. Come to think of it again, sitting around all alone in a crummy apartment in sungai buloh, with home 200 miles away doesn't make the picture any prettier.. it does things to you.. :P
And so now i'm here, trying to scratch a future for myself, and maybe, if god permits, my family.. It does feel kinds dodgy sometimes, considering how times have changed and how far i find myself gone.. Seems like i had a lot to pay for..hmph.. Not a lot of time to pay for it tho..
Well.. onward to a new topic.. Starting this month i suppose i'm no longer a lone ranger.. hehehe! Officially it states that i am now no longer single.. and available.. huhu! The name of the lucky candidate is Lyn, and i should say that she is absolutely gorgeous, with a free spirit i have yet to match. Kinda good, really.. it's not everyday you find someone you absolutely love and is independent enough to handle her own life with total ease.. At times i do feel like "whoa! someone's trying to bite me!" But then again.. i prefer things to be that way.. and honestly, i really have a good feeling about her.. like she's just the thing i needed to get myself back in high gear again.. I love her.. :D
Oh well.. enough of my rantings for now.. maybe i'll come back later when i have the time.. Now.. for that job...
At times i do feel like "whoa! someone's trying to bite me!"
Uh.. thanks for reminding me that i still have my teeth :D
And... yeah, WELCOME TO BLOGSPOT (cesh, macam blogspot embassador plaks)
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